ABL Corporate Compiled Collaboration, Have you come to play?  -Ameliorative Bottom Line

Have you come to play?

The Corporate Environment and Business Markets needs are changing fast. Many in the know, are experiencing the rapid change in talent skills requirement, just with-in the past 6 months. Much more needed today than it was a century ago. The world is rapidly changing and the competition exceedingly grows.

How does an industry leader seem to disappear, lost its influence, lack of tech up-grades, talent on-boarding… etc. Because they were ineffective in influencing Continuous Improvement Change Management directives do to culture adversities. Question me, a new out of the box fully funded technically advanced company; seemingly, over-night comes into play (2nd team) and replaces this industry leader. How your judgement dictates that it is due to compelling and much supported business plan. Think again, It’s fuel is that its’ “Compiled Collaboratively” into a focused purpose. For competition.

Educators must adapt their curricula and pedagogy to prepare students for jobs that do not yet exist, utilizing technologies not yet invented, to solve problems not yet encountered.

The United States Department of Labor estimates that today’s learner will change jobs ten to fourteen times by the age of 38.

As an example, the top ten in-demand jobs in 2010 did not exist in 2004 (Tirozzi 2008). The amount of new technical information is doubling every two years. For students starting a four-year technical degree, this means that half of what they learn in their first year of study will be outdated by their third year.

The reasoning behind why they change jobs is that they are looking out for their future.  Therefore, It is YOU WHO’S AT FAULT.  The employer, due to the employer’s not keeping up with changes in technology and education in accordance with the changing marketplace. There NOT mules, donkey’s, chickens kept in a cubical or Elephant’s working for PEANUTS.

What is ignorant, is this belief that todays educated are mere job jumpers, trading Micky D’s to Burger King.  

Then you are ignorant, with-in the next 5 years McDonalds begins rolling out in the US market, robotics', to service the front-end, to the product processing and through-out the supply-chain delivery, including loading off-loading at DC to and at Chain locations along with Logistical robotic driver.   So, where’s this talent base to appear from to install, program, maintain and update ...etc. 

The true question is what and who…  are you DELELOPING.  What are your Abilities; currently, and your focus towards tomorrow’s needs.


The Business arena was about WAR…. and whos’ will win out. Today, its focus is more on the skill of the game. And their focused on the need for the need for the 2nd team. As in competition the 2nd team gets called in and the 2nd team needs to Step-it-Up! Now, faced with your own making sink-or-swim.